Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Grapes May Prevent Alzheimer's

Grapes May Prevent Alzheimer's

Resveratrol, a compound found in grapes and red wine, may be prove to be a potent weapon in the battle against Alzheimer's.

Fights Amyloid-Beta Peptides

A study has shown that it lowers levels of the amyloid-beta peptides, which are responsible for the plaques leading to Alzheimer's disease.

Scientists administered resveratrol to cellsthat produce human amyloid-beta; they found that levels of amyloid-beta in the treated cells dropped significantly.

Further Research Needed

It is uncertain, however, if simply eating a resveratrol-rich diet will have the same effect; follow-up research is therefore being conducted to identify the molecular mechanisms that resveratrol triggers to fight Alzheimer's. The compound may act by stimulating the proteasome, a multi-protein complex that can digest other proteins.

Could Fight Other Diseases

Resveratrol may also be effective in fighting other human amyloid-related diseases such as Huntington's, Parkinson's and prion diseases. It can, for example, protect neurons against amyloid-like polyglutamines, which accompany Huntington's disease.

Journal of Biological Chemistry November 11, 2005; 280(45): 37377-37382 Science Daily November 4, 2005

Dr. Mercola's Comment:I've been telling you about resveratrol, the natural polyphenol found in grapes, peanuts, berries and red wine that fights cancer, for quite a while now. It always amazes me how science continues to uncover more and more benefits of simple natural whole food products.

While alcoholic beverageshave some benefit they are not your best source of these beneficial nutrients. If you want to boost your consumption of resveratrol, stick with natural sources like whole grape skins (pass up the meat of the grape, which has no resveratrol but a lot of extra fructose).

Although red wine also contains resveratrol, and many health experts feel it is fine in moderation, I am not so certain about this. This is largely because I am convinced the alcohol itself is actually a neurotoxin, which means it can poison your brain. Additionally, it has the strong potential to seriously disrupt your delicate hormone balance.

Alzheimer's is serious business and we are in the midst of an Alzheimer's epidemic. Grape skins that have reservatrol are useful but only a small part of a Total Health apporach to reduce all chronic illness. I also urge you to review my recent guidelines that can protect you from Alzheimer's without taking a drug:

  • Follow the nutrition plan paying special attention to avoiding sugar
  • Eat plenty of high-quality omega-3 fish oil
  • Avoid most fish and remove mercury
  • Exercise for three to five hours per week
  • Eat a nutritious diet based on your body's unique metabolic type
  • Eat plenty of vegetables (also according to your metabolic type)
  • Avoid flu vaccinations
  • Try Wild Blueberry IQ, an all-natural, whole fruit softgel made from wild blueberries, which have high anthocyanin and antioxidant content that are known to guard against
  • Alzheimer's and other neurological diseases
  • Keep your mind active
  • Since worry accelerates your risk of Alzheimer's, learn an effective energy psychology tool like the Emotional Freedom Technique
Joseph Mercola

Heavy Metals Anchor Alzheimer's In Your Brain

Heavy Metals Anchor Alzheimer's In Your Brain

Heavy metals and aluminum are in every part of our environment and food. These elements are deadly and you will benefit if you are aware of what they do where they come from.

Brain tissue has an attraction for heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and others. When heavy metals appear in the brain they can interfere with your natural brain chemistry. This interference, overtime, can accelerate the onset of dementia or Alzheimer's.

Aluminum is an element that has been associated with Alzheimer's. Aluminum has been found in high levels in people's brain that have died of Alzheimer's. The evidence points to aluminum been involved with Alzheimer's.

There is a lot of controversy about whether aluminum can bring on Alzheimer's. But because the Aluminum Industry is so powerful, it has blocked and campaigned against any reports that point to aluminum's involvement in dementia or Alzheimer's.

Here is a list of products that contain aluminum:

Antacids, aluminum wrap, pans, pot, rice cookers, small oven trays, soft drink cans, various food cans, toothpaste tubes, water, roll on deodorants.

Here is what heavy metals do:

Lead - makes you aggressive and hyperactive Cadmium - makes you confused and aggressive Mercury - gives you headaches, causes memory loss Aluminum - is associated with dementia and Alzheirmer's.

Heavy metals come from air pollution, smoking, pestricides, fillings.

Be aware of how heavy metals and aluminum get into your body, since they will end up in your brain and accumulate along your artery walls with cholesterol. Having loss of memory and other mental abilities is not result of aging. It is a result of poor diet and excess consumption of pollution and toxins.

Here is how to minimize heavy metal damage. Take a good electrolytic mineral supplement or eat a lot of fruits and vegetables since they contain a lot of minerals.

The good minerals compete to get absorb in your intestines with the heavy metals. Good minerals will get absorbed leaving behind the heavy metals. These heavy metals will then be excreted out of your body.

Also drinking a lemon and chlorophyll drink is helpful. Chlorophyll attaches to heavy metals and help to remove them from your body. Drink this every morning. Here's how to make this drink. Combine juice of one lemon, 8 oz of distilled water, and 1-2 oz of chlorophyll.

Rudy Silva

Alzheimer's Disease - A Brain Disorder

Alzheimer's Disease - A Brain Disorder

Alzheimer's disease is one of the commonest problems faced by old people. This disease slowly and gradually takes over your mind to leave you as blank as a clean slate. Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder and one of the most common causes of dementia. Dementia damages the brain's basic functionality of memory, thinking, behavioral pattern and emotion. It is one of the most common forms of irreversible dementia. With the increasing age your chances increases too, to get affected by this condition. Once you cross 60 you become more susceptible to this disease. Though you will find young people getting affected too but, that is a rare case.

Under this condition the nerve cells near the brain, key to memory and mental activities and connections between nerve cells are damaged. This loss of connectivity causes serious damage to the brain which spoils the thinking process and the memory. Some common symptoms of this disease is memory loss, confused state, personality changes, loss of language skills, forgetfulness, losing power of reading, writing and speaking, failing to understand language as well as familiar faces. After a period of time patients may loose total touch with their life and require full time care.

It starts off with mild memory problem which ends with severe brain damage. The severity of the disease may differ from person to person which can be determined by the diagnosis of the doctor. People suffering from Alzheimer's can live for another 8 to 10 years or even more, once they have been diagnosed. There are many drugs in the market which have claimed to treat this disease. By the proper guidance of the doctor you can start your treatment with medicines like cholinesterase inhibitors donepezil (Aricept), galantamine (Reminyl or Razadyne), and rivastigmine (Exelon). The other is NMDA receptor memantine (known as Ebixa, Axura or Namenda).

Herbal Medicines

Antioxidants have showed immense improvement with Alzheimer's. Antioxidants like vitamin E and C slows the progress of this disease. These can be recovered by antioxidant diet like fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds.

Essential fatty acids are very useful in treating this disease. Regular consumption of cold-water fish which has EFA also known as Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are very useful for treating this problem.

A high-magnesium diet proves to be very handy to evade this problem. Avoid processed food and diary products. Increase magnesium consumption by eating peanuts, almonds, spinach, navy beans, broccoli, kelp and many more.

Studies have also shown that the leaves of ginkgo biloba tree also helps in minimizing the cruel effect of this problem. There is no actual cure but the consumption prevents dementia problem.

Huperzine A derived from Hyperzia serrata (Club Moss) is very useful in improving your memory, behavioral patterns without any side effects.

Vinpocetine has come from Vinca minor (Periwinkle) which improves brain circulation and utilization of oxygen.

Bacopa monnieri (Water hyssop, Brahmi) works tremendously for nerve impulse and to build-up on memory and cognition.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Kevin Pederson

Coping With Alzheimer's Disease

Coping With Alzheimer's Disease

Many elderly people in nursing facilities have Alzheimer’s disease. This disease causes the short term potion of the brain to shut down. Elderly people who have the disease may forget their children’s names, but will remember events and people from their childhood. This disease can be very painful to those who have the disease and painful for loved ones who have to witness their parents or other relatives live with Alzheimer’s.

The best way to cope with this disease is to accept it and work around it. There will be days when the disease will not be as bad. Unfortunately, those who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease are prone to violent behavior, verbal abuse, and other uncharacteristic behavior. Waiting until the person calms down is the best way to handle the situation. Otherwise, they could become more violent and uncontrollable. There are medications available that can curb violent behavior.

Visiting a person with Alzheimer’s disease in a nursing facility can be frightening at first. But after a few visits, it will become easier. Having patience and a willingness to forgive are great qualities to bring to the nursing facility. Even though the person has changed, they are still the same person filled with emotions and feelings. They may not always remember things they should, but this does not mean that they do not care. Sometimes one memory can trigger another which will cause them to remember recent events. There is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, but much research is being conducted to help fight the effects of it.

Jeanette Pollock

Home Remedies For Fever Blisters

Home Remedies For Fever Blisters

Fever blisters or cold sores are small red blisters that usually appear on the lips and outer edges of the mouth. They often display a clear liquid and form scabs after a few days. They are caused by herpes virus that becomes active when something triggers them. There is no cure for cold sores, but there are remedies that will reduce the severity and frequency. They appear after colds, fever, exposure to sun and stress during menstruation.

Foods that contain chocolate, peanuts and other nuts, grains, peas, seeds, oatmeal and whole-wheat products should be cut out or reduced from the diet. Cold sore is preceded by tingling, burning or itching sensation, fever, and enlargement of lymph nodes close to the sores and a general feeling of malaise.

- When you feel the tingling, burning or itching sensation, rub juice from aloe plant on the affected area. Dab of aloe gel is effective too. Aloe will begin the healing process immediately and not allow the sore to grow.

- Apply cornstarch paste to the affected area.

- Mix a drop or two of grapefruit seed extract either with aloe or olive oil and dab it on the sore.

- Rub ice cube on the sore for 10 minutes every hour at the onset of fever blisters. It will prevent the movement of the virus to the skin.

- Extract of lemon balm reduces the symptoms and speeds up the healing process.

- Combine equal parts of tinctures of echinacea, calendula, oats, burdock, and lomatium. Take ½ tsp four to fives time a day to soothe the inflamed tissue, remove the toxins from the body and kill the viruses and bacteria.

- Topical application of extract of mint will speed the healing of the blister.

- Drink several cups of sage tea with a dash of powdered ginger till the blisters are not cleared up.

- Steep an ordinary tea bag in boiling water, cool it and then apply to the blister. The blister should disappear within few days.

- Vaseline will help to moisturize and soften blisters to prevent them from cracking and bleeding.

- Dab a drop or two of St. John's Wort essential oil. It not only soothes, but reduces the pain and speeds up the healing process.

- Apply Witch Hazel on sores.

- Put some common salt on your moistened index finger and press it on to the sore for a minute twice a day for 2-3 days.

- Apply spirit of camphor on the sore.

The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using if you are allergic to something. The responsibility lies with the reader, not the site, and the writer.

Kevin Pederson

Cruise Ship Virus - Danger At High Sea?

Cruise Ship Virus - Danger At High Sea?

"On the last night/morning, many people were stricken with a gastrointestinal illness that caused diarrhea and vomiting. A great deal of vomit was on the stairs, elevator and other public areas by Friday morning." So a passenger from Canada, on December 30, 2005, sailing on the Zuiderdam in the Holland America Line, reported to the website cruisejunkie.com.

Norovirus is a highly contagious gastrointestinal virus where the potential for someone who is sick to infect others exists from the moment they become sick, to at least 3 days after they get better. Disturbingly, some people remain contagious for up to 2 weeks after recovering. This may be a factor in successive cruises becoming infected. And it remains questionable whether sick passengers and crew are confined to their cabins for 3 days after they get better.

Whilst norovirus outbreaks are by no means confined to cruise ships, the nature of a cruise increases the likelihood of an infection spreading. This is similar to the potential for infections spreading in other closed communities like nursing homes. The 'cruise ship virus' can be spread through contaminated food and drink, which is particularly concerning if the crew members who serve or prepare food become sick.

Passengers can pick up the virus from touching infected surfaces like handrails, walls and mirrors. When a suspected norovirus outbreak occurs on a cruise ship, crew will spray disinfectant on all common surfaces, and sick passengers are confined to their staterooms.

Sick passengers and crew have acute symptoms of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Some also have stomach cramps, headaches, a low grade fever, and chills. One 21 year old man actually died two days after disembarking from his ship. The cause of death was cited as being complications from a norovirus infection.

This isn't common however. Norovirus infections are usually not significant health risks, though they are highly unpleasant, both for passengers and cruise ship companies. For passengers, what is meant to be a relaxing holiday turns into a retching and wretched nightmare at sea. For cruise companies with ever increasing ship capacities, it is a public relations nightmare.

Rebecca Prescott

Chickenpox Is An Airborne Disease

Chickenpox Is An Airborne Disease

Chickenpox is one of the 'classic' childhood diseases. Most children will catch it sooner or later.

Chickenpox is an airborne disease and is very contagious. The symptoms are:

  • general mild flu like symptoms (headache, fever, tummy ache, and loss of appetite)
  • followed a day or two later by hundreds of itchy, fluid filled blisters

Once you have had chickenpox the virus is with you for life but kept in check by your immune system. However, the virus can flare up later in life in the form of shingles, especially if you undergo a period of stress.

Most cases occur in children younger than 10 and the disease is usually mild. Older children and adults often develop a more severe case of chickenpox.

Chickenpox can cause serious complications:

  • a secondary infection of the blisters may occur if these are scratched and this can cause scarring
  • newborns are at risk of severe infection if the mother is not immune (i.e. she has not previously had the disease)
  • other, rare, complications include encephalitis; Reye's syndrome; and cerebellar ataxia


As it is a virus, chickenpox can not be treated by antibiotics. In most cases a chickenpox infection can be left to run its course, however, it is advisable to treat the blisters to reduce the likelihood of them being scratched. To this end, it is advisable to trim the nails of young children and place scratch-mitts on babies to minimise scratching and reduce the chance of scarring.

Calamine lotion will help to ease the itching as will baking soda (bicarbonate of soda). When our toddlers caught chickenpox a friend suggested adding a little water to baking powder to make a paste and applying that to the blisters. As our son passed his chickenpox on to me I can verify that the baking soda does work! It was more effective than calamine lotion at reducing the itching.

Antiviral medicines have been developed and can help the fight against chickenpox if the medicine is started within the first 24 hours of the rash developing. For most healthy children antiviral medicine is not required, but teenagers and adults who are likely to experience a more severe dose, may benefit.

Others who could benefit from antiviral medicine are kids with eczema, lung conditions such as asthma, and those who have been prescribed steroids.
Article Source: Health Guidance

Tony Luck

Shingles Natural Treatment

Shingles Natural Treatment

In the past ten years recent studies and research with alternative treatments for shingles has shown it is possible to recover in less than one week and to reduce outbreaks of lesions and pain in three days.

Shingles is a serious health condition and it is important to follow your doctor's recommendations. Traditionally, most doctors prescribe painkillers for the temporary symptomatic relief of the pain and an antiviral drug to suppress the virus. This form of treatment with drugs reduces the severity and frequency of outbreaks but does not eliminate it from the body. This course of treatment can take six weeks or more and does very little for the patient. The pain associated with shingles can continue long after the initial outbreak.

Some doctors prescribe steroids or itch-relieving creams that contains steroids. Recent studies question the effectiveness of steroids in relieving shingles and suggest avoiding any treatment with steroids. Monitoring by your doctor is recommended, if steroids have been prescribed. It is best to find alternative treatments with your doctor and to seek out natural remedies.

The virus herpes zoster causes shingles and is the same virus that causes chicken pox. Shingles is an infection of the central nervous system and may affect the elderly, those with a compromised immune system, anyone under severe stress or those who have been exposed to the chickenpox virus again. Symptoms may include burning, itching, or pain in one part of the body. A few days later, blisters and a rash appear. The infection may run along a nerve path and look like a branch of a tree. Shingles usually appear on the trunk area and the chest but can also be found on the face. Shingles can cause blindness if it affects the eyes. If an outbreak occurs on the face the patient should get immediate medical care.

Natural Remedies For Shingles

A good starting point for treating shingles is a diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables. A good diet and reducing daily stress will help boost your immune system.

A simple remedy for lesions is to apply a cool or cold wet washcloth or towel to the affected area. A wet towel can be put into the freezer for a while after wetting it to make it colder.

Eliminate sugar from your diet and add these important nutrients to your daily diet - vitamin E, vitamin B12 and vitamin C.

  • Vitamin C is suggested with an initial diagnosis of shingles. You may start with 1,000 mg.
  • Vitamin E taken daily before meals may reduce the pain of shingles (Study published in the Archives of Dermatology).
  • Vitamin B12 injections may reduce the pain of shingles (Study published in the Journal Geriatrics).
  • It is recommended that you consult with your doctor before starting any vitamin program.
  • E capsules can be squeezed directly onto lesions.
  • Avoid heat as well as tight clothes and itchy fabrics like wool.
  • Calamine lotion may relieve the pain and help dry the lesions.

Shingles is a serious illness and before starting any treatment program you should consult with your doctor. Shingles is the same virus as chicken pox. You cannot catch shingles from someone else unless you've never had chicken pox. If you have shingles you should use caution being around pregnant women who have not had chicken pox - you could infect both the woman and her unborn baby.

Wayne McDonald

Common Sleeping Positions

Common Sleeping Positions

To get the best out of your daily rest, you should have proper blood circulation during your sleep. There are a number of sleeping positions that you might find comfortable and at the same time promotes proper blood flow. Having a correct sleeping position would prevent that stiffness and soreness you might experience during mornings.

A proper sleeping position can effectively relieve you of any strains from your back. If you are frequently experiencing headaches when you wake up, changing your sleeping position might just do the trick.

Sleeping on one's side is one of the most common sleeping positions. This is done with the legs slightly drawn near the chest area. Make sure that your neck and spine are properly aligned. Always sleep on your right side, otherwise sleeping on your left side would cause stress on your vital organs (liver, stomach, lungs). Most people stuff in a pillow between their legs while in this position. The pillow would support your knees and take off any pressure on your lower back. Sleeping on one's side can help people with osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis or those who suffer from spinal and hip problems.

Sleeping on your back is also another position you can try. This is done with a pillow placed beneath your knees to help maintain the natural curve of your lower back. The pillow should not be too high and should have just the right thickness to fit the space between the surface of your bed and your limbs. This position is best for people with low back pains. It also allows internal organs to rest well.

You can also sleep on your abdomen. Although some health experts attest that this sleeping position would strain your neck, head and lower back, it is advisable for people who suffer from degenerative disc disease. You can minimize the strain by tucking a pillow underneath your lower abdomen and/ or pelvis. You can either use a pillow under your head or do without one.

Mattresses, pillows and recliners also play a big role in promoting a good sleep. If changing your sleeping positions did not improve your backache and muscle pains, then try to invest on quality sleeping supplies and monitor any improvement.

Jason Rickard

How To Effectively Fall Asleep

How To Effectively Fall Asleep

Sometimes, it is hard enough to fall asleep. And it is even more frustrating to go back to sleep when you wake up in the middle of the night. Being sleepless and restless during bedtime is often related to stress and physical or even emotional conditions.

Sleeplessness can often lead to insomnia or sleep apnea. In most cases, sleeplessness is simply a matter of poor sleeping habits. To help you unleash those z's at night, here are some tips that could help you sleep like a log.

  • Do not involve yourself with exhausting activities, like exercising, right before going to bed.
  • Steer clear of foods that are high in sugar like chocolate desserts and caffeinated drinks minutes before heading to sleep.
  • After working or studying, allow a couple of minutes of relaxation before you jump into bed.
  • Find suitable lighting for your room. Too much light can be distracting so you might want to turn it off for a restful sleep. On the other hand, some people can't sleep without the lights on. If this is the case, it would a good idea to have a study lamp on or anything that can be a source of dim lights.
  • Make sure that your room is noise-free by the time you hit the bed. Turn off all appliances, like TV or radio, which might keep you awake.
  • The temperature of the room is also of prime importance. If you have an air-conditioning unit in your room, make sure that you set it in your preferred temperature so you wouldn't have to wake up in the middle of the night to adjust the temperature because it's too warm or too cold.
  • Anxiety can also be a reason for sleeplessness. Try not to think of anything you should worry about before sleeping. If a soothing music can help you veer away from anxious thoughts, then you can turn the radio.
  • Your physical condition could also dictate your sleeping habits. If you are not feeling well, you would obviously have a hard time getting some needed sleep too. Always consult your doctor if you notice any symptoms of any kind of ailment or disease.
Jason Rickard

How To Stop Snoring Naturally

How To Stop Snoring Naturally

The ways to stop snoring naturally are some of the most discussed topics in the world. Snoring is breathing through the mouth while sleeping, which could produce embarrassing sounds. The effect of snoring is often so loud it can be a nightmare for anyone sharing a bed with them. More over, scientific studies have shown that snoring will also lead to more serious health problems such as hypertension and cardiac arrest.

Snoring is a common phenomenon and statistics say one out of three people will snore daily, at some point in their sleep. The methods to stop snoring can be formulated and practiced, only after understanding the real cause for the snoring. It is said that snoring sound is produced as a result of the vibration of soft tissues in the mouth, while the air pass through it. The physical peculiarities such as long uvula, tonsils, tongue movements, obesity, nostril septum, allergy and behavioral irregularities such as alcohol consumption are considered to be the main reasons for snoring.

Before resorting to the costly remedies flooded in the market, such as mandibular advancement devices, continuous positive airway pressure devices and surgery, practice any of the suggested natural methods. Most of the natural methods are effective and possesses unique advantages such as no side effects, permanent cure and cost effectiveness.

Snoring natural remedy can be chosen according to the difficulty, which stops the person from normal breathing. Sleeping on the side is the most practical option to stop snoring, as it promotes nasal breathing. Sleeping on side results in the opening of nasal passages, which helps for a normal breathing where as sleeping on back may reflux breathing through the mouth. Use thick pillows on the side to avoid involuntary turns while sleeping and using a thick elevated pillow is another method to alleviate snoring. It reduces snoring tendency by opening the nasal passages.

Exercises are the best practices for stop snoring naturally. Many experts have formulated effective exercises, to reduce snoring. The exercises are non-invasive options, which focus to control the movement of the parts such as tongue, and jaw that take part in the action of snoring. The regular practice of exercise for recommended period of time will certainly give relief from snoring.

Good dietary habits are also an inevitable part of natural snoring remedy since obesity increases the chance for snoring. Avoid high calorie foods and include easily digestible cuisines for the night menu. The excessive use of alkaloids such as caffeine, nicotine and alcohol consumption has to be strictly avoided. The tranquillizers and other such medications are also not advisable for a good sleep.

Good sleep hygiene is a necessity for sound sleep and to stop snoring. The experience of successful patients proves that good sleep and routine practice of natural methods will definitely help to stop snoring. Alternative medicines also suggest many herbal remedies to stop snoring, however, seek the advice of an expert sleep specialist before starting the recommended natural methods to stop snoring, since some of them may not suit your body constitution.

Jason Rickard