Is the Common Cold Easy to Catch?
Here we look at some frequently asked questions, such as "Is the common cold easy to catch?" and "What is the best common cold diet?" The news today said that the cold and flu season has arrived. Teachers are already beginning to see absences due to colds. It is estimated that 22 million school days are lost every year to the common cold.
Is the common cold easy to catch?
The short answer is "yes". Hundreds of different viruses can cause common cold symptoms. One of them, the rhinovirus, can remain active on skin and other surfaces for as long as three hours. The virus is present in the nasal secretions of infected people, so when that person sneezes, coughs or wipes their nose, the viruses enter the air, land on surfaces and get picked up by other people. Hand washing removes the viruses and if you wash your hands before you touch your face, mouth or eyes, then you are less likely to become infected with them. You can still inhale them, if you are around a sick person, who does not cover their mouth when sneezing or coughing, but in most cases, we probably get them on our hands and then transfer them to our noses.
What is the best common cold diet?
Foods that make you feel better, like warm soups and herbal teas. You should increase fluid intake during a cold. Fruit juices may be helpful, because levels of vitamin C in the bloodstream decrease significantly during an infection. The immune system needs adequate amounts of vitamin C to fight infection. Good nutrition is always important, but people who do not get there recommended daily allowance of vitamins, minerals and trace elements typically do not recover as quickly from minor infections like the common cold and may develop complications like sinus and ear infections. There is no medical evidence that the old saying that you should "feed a cold" is true, so it is not necessary to force the kids to eat, if they don't feel like it. Do encourage them to drink whatever fluids they can, tempt them with warm cocoa or chicken soup.
Is there a common cold diet for prevention?
Good nutrition obviously plays a role in overall good health. The best common cold diet is the same diet that you would follow year round. The American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association recommends a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables, low in fats, oils and sugars. Treat meat like a side dish and choose beans and other vegetables that are high in protein, low in fat. Eat oatmeal and other whole grains. Read the ingredients in processed foods to be sure what you are eating. Take a daily multi-vitamin as insurance, not instead of eating a healthy diet.
Is the common cold easy to catch because of the weather?
There is no evidence that cold weather causes more colds. People who live in cold climates do not have more colds than those who do not.
Is the common cold easy to catch if you have other medical conditions?
Asthmatics are particularly susceptible to colds and scientists are investigating the reason for this. Recently it was learned that those people who suffer from asthma produce less anti-viral proteins than normal. These anti-viral proteins are produced by the immune system, thus natural products that increase or improve immune system responses may help.
Article Source: Health GuidancePatsy Hamilton