Thursday, February 28, 2008

How To Live In Chronic Pain

How To Live In Chronic Pain

Living in chronic pain is one of the most difficult things that I can think of. Everyday millions of Americans struggle with this issue. People of all ages young and old alike are finding themselves in this position. The sad thing about someone who lives in chronic pain is that their pain will most likely not be treated properly, therefore leaving the person to suffer. Its a sad fact that chronic pain goes grossly undertreated. People who live in chronic pain seeking treatment from the medical community in general are greeted with not to welcoming arms. It appears for various reason that people seeking relief from their pain are cast in a different light than other people who seek medical treatment. This is due to several reasons. First of all doctors these days simply will not treat someone long tern with chronic pain, unless of course your suffering from cancer. Not all chronic pain sufferers have cancer.

Some medical conditions as Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Arthritis, Herniaated discs, complications from failed back surgery, to any other conditions that causes great pain on a regular basis. Its really a shame and a sad statement that you have to have cancer to get the proper treatment needed for pain. Other reason people don't get the proper treatment is some physicians are ill equipped to treat a chronic pain sufferer. Other and more frustrating reasons are that Physicians are just plain scared of the government when writing prescriptions for narcotic medicine. This reason alone is probably the biggest one. The government has scared doctors away from treating people who truly suffer from pain.

If a person has a true medical condition that falls under chronic pain, and there is nothing you can do to help the patient, than pain medication should be available for everyone in that situation. As long as there is a medical condition, as long as patients abide by the guidelines that doctors require, and as long as doctors keep proper documentation, a physician has nothing to worry about. Most doctors just don't want to bother with the whole thing, for them its too much of a hassle. I would like to tell all these doctors to walk a day in the shoes of a chronic pain suffer and they would change their tune real quick. Also a lot of clinics and pain management programs in hospitals and such, have actually shut down business. But most have not shut down business due to the lack of people hurting in pain, they shut down and closed their doors due to them not making any money. This is another sad fact that making money comes first before helping people who suffer from chronic pain. I thought physicians took an oath to help people, not to shut their doors if they don't make money.

Fortunately, there are online U.S. Physicians that are willing to help people in pain. This has been a godsend. Without these type of physicians and pharmacies, people would simply just have to suffer and go without the proper medication needed to comfort their pain. Its a shame a country with the best medical care on the planet, will not treat people in pain properly. Sure there are those and always will be who manipulate the system, trying to get pain mediation for recreational use, but that's easy to weed out if the medical community was serious about treating people in pain. People who truly suffer in pain needed pain medication. Its that easy, but people are not getting it. I would recommend chronic pain sufferers to find a reputable online pharmacy who has U.S. Physicians and Pharmacies that treat people in pain. For this seems to be the only way people in pain get the proper medications needed. I have always wished that the people who are not interested in helping people in pain, or simply who don't help people in pain, I wish they would walk a painful mile in my shoes. Maybe then they would realize that pain is a real thing and people need real help.

Robert Gould