Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Guide

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Guide

Sexually transmitted diseases are escalating nowadays when more people have started entering into multiple sexual relationships. They might not consider this ethically wrong but the fact remains that such people are more prone to sexual diseases. However, if unfortunately one gets infected by any such disease, it is better to start ailment as soon as possible for these diseases have the potential to ruin your entire life. People often are embarrassed and scared to disclose their problem to others even to their friends but they fail to realize that delaying diagnose is compromising with their life. Thus, as soon as you fear a sexually transmitted infection, approach a doctor.

This article informs the readers about certain primary STDs and their symptoms.

1. AIDS and HIV

• Transmitted through- AIDS and HIV are two more or les related diseases. The HIV stands for the ‘human immunodeficiency virus’ and the disease that spreads through it is known as AIDS i.e. ‘acquired immune deficiency syndrome’. HIV travels through blood. It can be transmitted from one HIV positive person to his partner through sex. It can also pass on from the HIV positive mother to her child through infected breast milk and even from an infected syringe or other equipments that come into contact with the blood of the HIV positive to any other individual who is treated with the same devices.

• Symptoms- weak immune system and susceptible to more infections than usual. HIV gets translated to AIDS when the HIV patient acquires a particular indicative illness.

• Preventive Measures- not much available yet. But avoid taking drugs. Maintain hygiene.

2. Chlamydia

• Infected via- the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis is the cause of this infection. Once this bacterium enters the individual’s body it affects his mucous membranes, eyelids and even reproductive tissues.

• Symptoms- the symptoms Chlamydia often confused with another similar STD called Gonorrhea and even with Conjunctivitis due to eyelid infection. The common symptoms to this disease are pain during sex, burning and abnormal discharge. Chlamydia can be without any typical indications also.

• Prevention- the disease is curable. As a precautionary measure one should maintain hygiene during sex and get medical check up done in order to avoid infection.

3. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

• Usually women are afflicted by this disease. It is a an infection in the upper genital tract and reproductive organs including ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes.

• Spreads through- Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are the two STDs that are most often responsible for this disease. Women between 15 to 25 years of age are more prone to be infected by it. Excess douching can also lead to PID for it cleanses the naturally beneficial bacteria from the women’s vagina.

• Symptoms- When ailing PID, women might experience pain during intercourse, burning and even fever.

• Precautions and Cures- antibiotics are useful to cure PID. But it is recommended to get frequent check ups done and in case the disease is discovered medicines and proper treatment should commence the very moment for PID can be unexpectedly harmful in later stages.

4. Gonorrhea

• Infects the individual’s sensitive tissues of reproductive system.

• An individual can acquire this disease through all types of sexual contacts like oral sex.

• Indications- the indicators to Gonorrhea are very few which makes it all the more difficult to adjudicate it and so stop it from being transmitted from one to the other person through sex. Symptoms are akin to Chlamydia so the two diseases are liable to be confused with each other. A person suffering from Gonorrhea experiences unusual discharge, burning, pain during sexual activity, swelling, fever and other infections like women may have bleeding between periods.

• Remedies and Safety- treatment should commence in initial stages to cure Gonorrhea. Those who are pretty active in their sexual life should get check ups done on a regular basis to be on a safer side.

Apart from these there are several other STDs not discussed here like Hepatitis, Scabies, Herpes, Syphilis, HPV etc. which are most common in ones. It is better to acquire information about them once you are sexually active and consult a gynecologist every now and then to avert from all kinds of STDs.

Mansi Gupta

10 important Facts About Sexually Transmitted Diseases

10 important Facts About Sexually Transmitted Diseases


Sexually transmitted diseases are diseases that can be passed from person to person through sexual contact. In this case sexual contact means penis-vagina penetration, oral sex which is sexual contact using the mouth, and insertion of the penis into the rectum which is anal sex. Some of these diseases may be transmitted by exchange of sexual fluids such as semen or vaginal discharge. Some of the STD's result in open sores, and it can be spread by contact with skin of someone else. There are also ways to transmit these diseases in a non sexual way, an infected pregnant woman can either give it to her baby during pregnancy, or when the baby is being delivered. Drug abusers can transmit the disease through sharing hypodermic needles that have been used by an infected person. The seriousness of STD's varies, some are cured easily by drugs, others need a combination of treatments and drugs, whilst others have no cure, and the only option is treatment.


Any infection that is usually passed through sexual contact.


Fifteen years ago both these categories came under one name Venereal Disease (VD). To distinguish between them they were separated into infections(STI) and diseases(STD). Infection means that a germ, bacteria, parasite or virus is present in the body. An infected person does not necessarily have any symptoms, which means that they do not usually feel ill. A disease is any abnormal condition of the body or mind that causes discomfort, dysfunction, or distress, in other words your body tells you that you are unwell. This means that STI covers a wider range than the term STD. STD refers only to infections that are causing problems. Because most of the time, people don't know they are infected with an STI until they start showing symptoms of disease, the AIDS Resource Center uses the term STD, even though the term STI is also appropriate in many cases.

Let's see if we can simply un-muddy the waters here. Genital herpes has two states when the blisters are present and when they are absent. When they are present they are causing symptoms, ie the blisters, at this stage it is an STD, and it is that this stage that the infection is most likely to be spread to another person. When the blisters are absent then there are no symptoms, and this is then an STI, and the likelihood of an infection is reduced. However HIV can be an infection, in the sense that there may be no symptoms, when they develop symptoms then they have AIDS which is an STD. However it is important to remember that HIV infection can be spread at any time.


A person who is already infected with STD, has a higher risk of contracting HIV if they have unprotected sex, without a condom. This risk is greater if the STD causes open genital sores, as these wounds provide a break in the skin which enables the HIV infection to enter the blood stream. STDs that can cause genital ulcers include genital herpes, syphilis, chancre, gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis, and scabies.


First of all the majority of the people with STD have no immediate symptoms and when they do have them it can be misleading to diagnose as the symptoms can be confused with non sexual diseases. Please note that this applies much more to women than men.


Unusual or A bad-smelling vaginal discharge, severe itching or burning in the genital area, unusual bleeding, pain in the pelvic region, pain during sex, rashes on the genitals, open sores or warts on the genital area, and/or recurrent urinary tract infections.


In men, the most common symptoms of STD are: pain when urinating, open sores or warts on the genital area, genital rash discharge from the penis, and/or pain in the scrotum/testicles.


The following symptoms are present in both men and women. discharge from the anus, swelling of the groin, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes), oral thrush (white tongue), arthritis, sores or bumps in and around the mouth, and generalized rashes.


Yes you can and listed below are some examples. Bacterial Vaginosis Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Herpes Simplex Human Papilloma Virus (HPV, Warts) Pubic Lice Scabies.


The only foolproof way is abstinence from sex. A condom merely reduces the risk, and it must be used every time, before any sexual fluids are exchanged.

Roy Barker

Do Condoms Work? The Truth About Condom Effectiveness

Do Condoms Work? The Truth About Condom Effectiveness

All methods of contraception are used to prevent pregnancy, but condoms have the added advantage of providing protection against infection and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). How effective are condoms at doing these two things? Are they really as effective as other contraceptive methods at preventing pregnancy? And since one of the most common reasons for using a condom is to provide protection against infection, are they really an effective barrier against being infected by STDs?

In this article we look at some of these questions.

Does using a condom prevent pregnancy?

Condoms are an extremely effective means of preventing pregnancy. Of course, no method of contraception is 100% effective because there will always be instances of incorrect or inconsistent use. This is as true of "the pill" or any other form of contraception as it is of condoms. However clinical studies have shown that high quality condoms, when used consistently and correctly, provide an excellent barrier against pregnancy. These trials have shown that correct and consistent use of condoms can have between 95% and 98% contraceptive efficacy rate.

How often do condoms fail?

The main reason that condoms "fail" to prevent pregnancy or infection is not because the condom itself has "failed", but because of incorrect or inconsistent use. Latex condoms can be weakened by oil-based lubricants like petroleum jelly. They can also be weakened by exposure to sunlight or by age. Sometimes they are torn by teeth or fingernails. But putting these incorrect uses aside, condoms almost ever "fail".

How often do condoms break or slip off?

In the United States, most studies of breakage caused by fault in the condom itself have shown breakage rate is less than 2 condoms out of every 100. Studies also indicate that condoms slip off the penis in about 1-5% of acts of vaginal intercourse and slip down (but not off) about 3-13% of the time. Again, these rates are influenced by the care one takes when using a condom.

Are condoms effective at preventing infection from HIV or STDs?

Studies have shown that if a latex condom is used correctly and consistently (every time you have sex), they are a highly effective barrier against infection. This has been demonstrated most clearly by studies of "discordant" couples in Europe. A "discordant" couple is one in which one partner in infected with HIV and the other one is not. In a study of 123 couples in which condoms were used consistently, none of the infected partners became infected.

Do thinner condoms give less protection against pregnancy and STDs?

Thinner condoms are equally effective as a protection against both pregnancy and infection by STDs. However they may be more easily damaged by fingernails, teeth, jewelry and other incorrect uses, so extra care should be taken when using a thinner condom.

Are all condoms thoroughly tested before being sold?

All brand name condoms are subjected to rigorous quality control tests at every stage of the manufacturing process. In the US, each condom is electronically tested for holes and defects. Samples are taken from each lot and visually examined using a water leak test. In this test the samples are filled with 300 ml of water and suspended for 3 minutes.

Samples from each lot are also subjected to an Air Inflation Test. This involves filling the test condoms with air until they reach the bursting point. They typically will hold about 40 liters of air -- the equivalent of 9 gallons of water!

Other samples are checked for size and thickness, some are tested to destruction for physical strength, and still others are prematurely aged by applying high temperatures to ensure that they will retain their quality well beyond their 5 year product life.

In all regards, condoms have been shown to be an effective way to prevent pregnancy as well as being a highly effective way of guarding oneself against HIV or STD infection.

Rick Hendershot

Your Sexual Health Can Enhance Your Relationship

Your Sexual Health Can Enhance Your Relationship

Sexual health seems to be on everyone's mind these days and with good reason. Everyone wants to be healthy when it comes to sex; no one wants to think that they have problems with this most basic of human activities.

Many men, however, find themselves faced with serious sexual issues, such as erectile dysfunction and impotence. While most seek to hide what they think of as a deficiency, those who are able to communicate their issues find that help is a lot closer and a lot easier to find than they might have thought. Pills like Viagra and Cialis are there to help, however in some cases the side effects are worse than the problem.

Sex pills are sweeping airwaves and inboxes; a new miracle product seems to arrive on the market every day. Some of these drugs are promised to be all-natural; many others are advertised to have lasting effects on penis size and sexual abilities. Most of these sex pills are not worth the paper that their advertisements are printed on, or effective enough to justify the use of an iota of bandwidth.

People are getting more information about their sexual health these days thanks to the overwhelming set of sexually transmitted diseases that are now sweeping the nation. Diseases such as: AIDS/HIV, and syphilis which can actually kill you and diseases that cannot really be treated like genital warts and herpes are running rampant these days. Even though there is much information available about these diseases, many people are newly diagnosed every year.

It seems as though the onset of knowledge and resources has not deterred people in the 18-24 age bracket from engaging in unprotected sexual activity. Too many people seem to live under the belief that these diseases will not reach them. If the diseases are not fatal most people do not care about getting infected. Right now, the only prevention method for sexually transmitted diseases is latex condoms. With this in mind, it is a wonder that more people do not just take the extra few minutes out of their day to use one. Every year thousand of people die from AIDS; you would think that this would be a wake up call for those who know what AIDS can do.

Enhancing your relationship can be easy, but you have to be responsible in your sex life if it is to be enhanced. If you have or have had an STD in the past, you have to be sure that you are keeping up to date with your physician. Your sexual health is a very important aspect of your sex life. Protection is important in making your relationship better. With all of the potential problems that are out there these days, you just cant be too careful.

Abbas Abedi

Three Steps to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids

Constipation, Hemorrhoids or Piles, and inactivity go hand in hand. If you have been constipated for quite a while, chances are you have hemorrhoids. If you are inactive because you just like sitting around or are confined to a bed or chair, then you will have constipation and hemorrhoids.

So if you want to get rid of hemorrhoids, you need to take 3 steps. These three steps can be done at the same time, especially if you have hemorrhoids that are itchy, painful, and are in need of attention.

First you need to do something about your hemorrhoids. There are many different natural remedies for reducing, relieving, and eliminating hemorrhoids. Since everyone is different in his or her chemical make-up and nutritional requirements, one remedy will not work for everyone.

Each of you has to find out what remedy works best for you. Use the remedy that feels right for you, the remedy where you have the ingredients, or that one based on the severity of your hemorrhoids.

Here’s one remedy you can try - Collinsonia Root Powder Collinsonia is a vegetable, known as “Stone Root” because of it hardness. It comes in powder and liquid. Stone Root is found in Canada and in Florida. It has been found quite helpful in aiding hemorrhoids.

Linda Clark in her book called, Linda Clark’s Handbook of natural remedies for common ailments, 1976, says this about collinsonia root. “I have heard people rave enthusiastically about the results of this remedy, which works quickly.” It’s benefits come from,

Supporting blood vessel contractions and flow

Reducing irritation and inflammation of veins

Providing a tonic effect on weaken veins, capillaries, and tissue

Improving digestion

Helping to keep mucus membranes healthy
Secondly, you need to do something about becoming regular and to eliminate mild or chronic constipation. To start with, do these simple changes in your diet.

Eat fruits as a snack between meals – oranges, apples, bananas, prunes, grapefruits, mangos, watermelon, grapes, cherries.

Stop eating bread, flour products, milk, sodas, back off on eating a lot of protein.

Eat a few serving of vegetables during the day – green lettuce, celery, carrots, and so on

Drink at least 2-3 glasses of water every day or drink more water than you normally do.
The third thing you need to do is add some exercise to your daily routine. It can be any thing as long it is something you like and you do it regularly – walking, swimming, or rebounding. Don’t over exercise; all you need is 10 – 20 minutes per day.

There you have it, the threes step to getting rid of hemorrhoids – a hemorrhoid natural remedy, a slight change in your diet, and 10 minutes of daily exercise that you like.

Rudy Silva

Drugstore Hemorrhoid Medications

Drugstore Hemorrhoid Medications

There are many drugstore and alternative Internet products for treating hemorrhoids. Most of the products are not made to cure or eliminate hemorrhoids but to give you temporary relief of itching, pain, swelling or bleeding. I don’t recommend using any type of product that is not natural or that comes from a drugstore.

If the product contains petrochemicals, additives, coloring, dyes, or other chemicals, which enhance its appearance and feel, I would not use them. Most, if not all, of these chemicals will be absorbed into your body where your organs of elimination will have to deal with eliminating them.

All products whether drugs, drugstore medications, or natural formulations use chemicals, substances, oils, and herbs that have the following properties:

Anesthetics – suppresses pain and gives relief…any name with the suffix “caine” like tetracaine

Analgesics – suppresses and give pain relief – some of them are Anacin, Tylenol with Codeine, OxyContin, Darvocet, Ultracet

Vasoconstrictors – helps to narrow or constrict hemorrhoidal veins…any name with the suffix “rine” like phenylephrine

Lubricants – provide lubrication in the colon to relieve constipation – mineral oil, flax seed oil, castor, oil olive oil

Astringents – help to tighten tissue, which have been pushed out by hemorrhoid action – zinc oxide, witch hazel, calamine

Keratolytics – help to remove excess hemorrhoidal tissue. They are compounds of sulfur and salicylic acid
Many of the drugstore medications have anesthetics. They can aggravate and irritate the hemorrhoids you’re trying to eliminate. If you are using one of these drugstore medications, consider using a more natural remedy.

In 1975 Carl I. Flath, wrote a book called The Miracle Nutrient – How Dietary Fiber Can Save Your Life. In his book he talks about the effectiveness of drugstore suppositories,

“Suppositories quickly work their way up in the rectum beyond the location of most internal hemorrhoids, and so are of limited value in reducing local pain. As antiseptics they are essentially worthless, since the surface areas they are supposed to protect are under constant exposure to new bacteria….

Anesthetic agents do offer temporary relief from local irritations and pain… Neither the suppositories nor the ointments, however, do anything whatever to correct the basic cause of hemorrhoids—constipation.”

Rudy Silva

How Do You Get Hemorrhoids?

How Do You Get Hemorrhoids?

A lot of people don’t even know they have hemorrhoids. The rectum is not an area you can readily see. Some times you don’t know you have hemorrhoids until you see blood in the toilet water after a bowel movement, when you start to have pain or discomfort in the rectum, or when you feel extra tissue around the rectum.

So how do you develop hemorrhoids? For sure, constipation is not the only way you can get hemorrhoids. Here are some additional ways:

Alcoholism or drinking to many alcoholic drinks

Being pregnant and not eating enough fiber

Doing daily heavy lifting and holding your breath while you do it

Eating excessive processed foods, which are low in fiber and move slowly through your colon.

General body weakness, which will affect the colon function

Having a predisposition to constipation or inheriting a weakness in the colon and rectum area * Holding fecal matter too long in the rectum causing pressure to buildup in the rectum veins - postponing a bowel movement

Having a weak liver, which reduces the amount of bile released into the intestines. Bile helps to active peristaltic action.

Having inflammation in the rectum that causes you to have constipation

Irregular eating patterns

Lack of protein leading to weak tissues and slow healing of wounds

Not eating foods that keeps you constipation free such as fiber, vegetables, essential fatty acids, protein, water.

Not getting the right vitamins and minerals in your food.

Being overweight

Poor muscle tone in the anal area from lack of exercise

Pressure on rectum veins from cysts or tumor in the colon

Sitting in a chair at home, at work, in a car, or in a truck for long periods

Using laxatives to the point where your colon no longer works properly and you end up with constipation
As you can see there are many reasons that you can develop hemorrhoids. And most of them relate to the function of your colon. If you want hemorrhoid relief look at the list and see which condition or situation relates to you and try to make changes in these conditions. In addition to changes add new foods that will help your colon to work better.

Rudy Silva

Using Herbs to Relieve Hemorrhoids – Aloe Vera, Bilberry, Butcher's Broom

Using Herbs to Relieve Hemorrhoids – Aloe Vera, Bilberry, Butcher's Broom

To relieve hemorrhoids first look for ways to get your bowels moving easier and more frequently so they produce softer stools. I have suggestion ways, in other articles, to do this by changing your diet.

Any straining and puffing you do to push hard or even soft stools out during a bowel movement will aggravate your hemorrhoids and can lead to bleeding and pain.

When completing a bowel movement, make sure you are using the softest tissue available so that when you clean yourself you don’t scrape or aggravate your hemorrhoids. You can also use pre-moisten tissue. Just make sure that the tissue you use is not colored or scented because these chemical additives can aggravate your hemorrhoids.

You may have to take a shower a couple times a day to keep your rectum area clean.

Here are three natural remedies that you can use to aid in eliminating your hemorrhoids.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel is an astringent that helps to heal open wounds. It is useful in hemorrhoids by applying the gel directly onto your anus. The best type of gel for this is directly from the aloe plant. If you don’t have one, then 100% organic whole leaf aloe gel is second best. You can get this organic aloe at a health food or nutrition store.

If you have a fresh plant, wash a leaf thoroughly with distilled water. Peel it on one side, bend it with the peeled side outward, and slip it into your anus. This will provide you with pain relief and reduce your hemorrhoid bleeding. Just trim down the leaf so it slides into your anus easily.

Aloe Vera juice, that you drink, is also good for hemorrhoids. It helps to soften your stools and to activate peristaltic action. If you like aloe juice, then drink around 1/2 a cup of Aloe Vera juice three time a day.

You can add 1/4 or 1/3 part aloe juice to a cup of apple juice to make the taste easier to handle. To make this aloe-apple juice more effective, add 10 drops of barberry extract.

Barberry is an astringent for blood vessel congestion along the colon and rectum. It will improve blood circulation; it stimulates the immune system to resist disease, and will tone body tissues. It also is capable of stopping bleeding hemorrhoids.


Bilberry’s active ingredients are flavanoids. Bilberry contains chemical called “anthocyanosides.” This fruit like herb has been used in Europe for a long time. In clinical studies, it has shown to be effective in treating weak capillaries by strengthening their walls.

Buy the 25% standardized formula and take 100 mg three times a day of bilberry. Bilberry will give you hemorrhoid relief.

Butcher's Broom

Butcher's broom, an evergreen bush, has a history of being used for varicose veins and hemorrhoids. As an extract, it contains “ruscogenins”, which can narrow blood vessels and decrease their inflammation and swelling. It strengthens and tones veins and capillary walls.

Take 100 mg of butcher’s broom three times a day. Use the type that has 9-11% ruscogenins.

Now you can use either of the three herbal remedies for hemorrhoid relief. If one is not working to good, try the other. Once you have gotten the hemorrhoid relief that you want stop using the herbal remedy.

Rudy Silva

10 Ways to Avoid a Heart Attack

10 Ways to Avoid a Heart Attack

A heart attack is known as a myocardial infarction. This occurs when the heart muscle is damaged or does not receive enough oxygen. Many cardiac related problems occur due to blockages in arteries that carry purified blood away from the heart to different parts of the body. Another cause is the formation of blood clots.

Very often, it is quite difficult to differentiate between a heart attack and heartburn. The common signs of a heart attack are a tightness, pain, or discomfort in the chest. Sweating, nausea, and vomiting that are accompanied by intense pressure in the chest. A radiating and intense pain in the chest that extends from the chest to the left arm. A shortness of breath for more than a few minutes. If you have any of the above you must consult the doctor or go to the emergency rooms.

If you even think you are having a heart attack you must call for a cardiac care ambulance, and put under your tongue a sorbitrate or chew an aspirin. If you are allergic to aspirin don't take one. At the hospital care will include rapid thrombolysis, cardiac catheterization, and angioplasty. They will also administer intravenously clot busting medications.

The risk factors for a heart attack include: smoking, diabetes, high levels of cholesterol, hypertension, family history of heart diseases, atherosclerosis, lack of exercise, obesity, and fast foods.

Reduce the risks of a heart attack by:

1. Quitting smoking.

2. Eating healthy. Avoid fatty foods, excess salt, and red meats.

3. Controlling high blood pressure and diabetes.

4. Ensuring regular exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Walking is most beneficial.

5. Preventing obesity. Doing all you can to maintain weight.

6. Choosing to live a healthy lifestyle.

7. Practicing meditation.

8. Doing regular relaxation and breathing exercises.

9. Undergoing periodic cardiac evaluations.

10. Including foods that are rich in anti-oxidants in your diet.

A killer disease, according to the American Heart Association approximately 58,8 million people in the US suffer from heart diseases. And, about 950,000 Americans die of heart ailments each year. Heart diseases and death from it can be prevented by maintaining your health. Find a balance in life between work and other activities, abandon the couch for the outdoors, don't watch sports on television play sports instead and you can hope to live a long and fulfilled life.

Paul Wilson

Why Doctors Struggle to Treat High Blood Pressure

Why Doctors Struggle to Treat High Blood Pressure

Although a lot of research has been done on high blood pressure, the best way to treat it medically remains a mystery to doctors. The medical profession continue to perform studies, test drugs and try different treatments on individuals while patients have to go through the process of finding out with their doctor what works best for them.

Why is that? Surely with all the research which has been done, they have found the medication which will cure the problem?

What is being shown in all the studies is that hypertensive disease (high blood pressure) is not a simple phenomenon with one cause and one cure. It is brought about by a number of different processes - metabolic, genetic and environmental, which together create the condition. Working out which factors are at play in any one individual (and finding out how to treat them) is therefore a complex business and difficult for doctors to pin down. And new drugs are being frequently released onto the market for this condition too - so this all adds to the complexity.

So you can't expect to be given a one drug fits all solution on your first visit to the doctor after finding out you have the condition. Some exploration about what is best for you is likely to be necessary. You may be given one blood pressure drug for a few weeks to see if it is right for you and then something else to try if it does not suit you.

And while you should always consult your doctor if you have hypertension (or any other health issue) many doctors now believe that lifestyle changes are the best way to treat it, especially if you have a mild case. So don't be surprised if your doctor simply wants you to lose weight, take more exercise and change your diet a bit rather than have you take a hypertensive drug.

Janice Elizabeth Small

How to Prevent Coronary Heart Disease and Heart Attack

How to Prevent Coronary Heart Disease and Heart Attack

Coronary heart disease and heart attack like heart infarction can in great extend be prevented by lifestyle measures.


The direct causes of coronary heart disease and heart attack are factors like these:

- Narrowing of blood vessels in the heart and the rest of the body by arteriosclerosis.

- High blood cholesterol level.

- High blood pressure.

- Over-weight.

- Diabetes.

- High level of the amino acid homocystein in the blood.

- High content of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and low content of high density lipoprotein (HDL) in the blood. Lipoprotein is a combination of protein and fatty substances bound together.

- Inflammation in the circulatory system.

- High age.

- Inherited tendencies for high cholesterol levels and heart disease.

- Men have somewhat greater chance of getting heart disease than women.

These factors are interrelated in complicated ways, and are causing or amplifying each other. For example, arteriosclerosis will cause higher blood pressure, and high blood pressure will cause even more arteriosclerosis. Many of these factors are ultimately caused or aggravated by these lifestyle factors:

-A too high consume of fat, cholesterol and sugar.

-Consuming the wrong fat types.

-Lack of fibre, vitamins, minerals and other diet deficiencies.

-Stress at work and in the daily life.


-Lack of exercise.

Lifestyle adjustments will therefore be the main methods of preventing heart failure.


A diet with the aim of preventing heart disease is generally the same as a diet to prevent cancer and other diseases. Here are the general diet advices:

- Avoid or reduce the amount of food that are industrially processed, artificially made or heavily fried.

- Eat fish at least every second day. Also eat seafood and fouls.

- Do not eat very much red meat.

- Eat 5 fruits or vegetables each day. Each piece should be of the size of an apple or carrot. They should be raw or carefully boiled so that the nutrients are not washed out.

- Eat full corn bread, full corn cereals, peas, beans and potatoes.

- Eat just a moderate amount of fat.

- Consume cholesterol rich foods like egg, spawn or liver in just moderate amounts.

- Ideally most fat you eat, should be of the type mono-unsaturated. You also need some poly-unsaturated fat of the types omega-3, and omega 6, but not too much of omega-6. The consumption of saturated fat should be moderate.

- In order to achieve right fat balance, much of the fat supply should come from a blending of sources like olive, olive oil, canola oil, nuts, nut oil, sunflower, sunflower oil, linseed oil (flax oil), fish and fish oil.

- Use only a moderate amount of soy oil and corn oil in the diet. Only using such oil types will give you too much poly-unsaturated fat of the omega-6-type.

- Use just a very moderate amount of fat sources like butter, coconut oil and palm oil. A high consumption of these fat sources gives you too much saturated fat.

- Avoid altogether fat that has been chemically altered, giving so-called trans-fat. This type of fat is often found in margarine, cookies, snacks, fast food and other pre-made food.

- Consume just a very moderate amount of sugar, refined flour or refined cereals.

- Consume just a moderate amount of tranquilizers and stimulants like alcohol and caffeine.

- Use just a moderate amount of salt in the food. However, in warm weather and by hard physical work, you will need more salt.


Evidence suggests that it will be helpful to take some supplements of natural substances to prevent heart disease and help to ameliorate already manifest heart problems. These supplements are:

- Omega-3-fatty acids derived from fish and other marine sources, especially the fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and alfa-linolaeic acid. 1 gram a day of each of these substances may be taken as a supplement. Higher amounts should only be taken under medical supervision, since higher amount of these substances may cause bleeding tendencies, and may suppress the immune system.

- Supplement of vitamin C has been thought to help prevent heart disease, but newer findings cast doubt upon this.

- Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), folic acid / folate, vitamin b12 and riboflavin seem to prevent the building up of the substance homocystein in the blood and thereby help prevent heart disease, according to results from research projects.


The lifestyle measures listed in this article will also help you loose weight. If these measures are not enough, you should consider engaging in a more specific weight reduction program. You should choose a program that has a moderate fat content philosophy. Some weight reduction programs have a higher fat and low carbohydrate consume philosophy, and those are probably not the best ones to reduce the chance of getting heart disease.


You should do some exercise of at least half an hour at least every second day. Condition training as vigorous walking, jogging, cycling or swimming is best for reducing the heart attack probability. Muscular building exercises are also of value, especially exercises building leg muscles.


If you smoke, stopping or reducing this habit radically will decrease the chance of getting heart problems.


If you suffer from diabetes type 1, a good control of the disease by insulin medication and by diet adjustments will help to prevent heart disease.

Many people over the age of 50, and an increasing number of young people suffer from diabetes type 2 because of bad lifestyle. This disease does not necessarily give dramatic symptoms, but the disease increases the chance of getting serious heart problems, and many have the disease without knowing it. This disease can be prevented by the same lifestyle measures depicted above. If you already have got the disease, a more rigorous control of carbohydrate intake is necessary. And sometimes also medication must be used. People over the age of 50 and younger people that do not feel well should find out if they suffer from this condition.


Low doses of acetyl salicylic acid or aspirin prevent heart disease by persons bearing a high risk for heart disease. However, this medication increases the risk of bleeding and should not be used without constant medical supervision. For persons with a low risk of heart disease, the dangers of aspirin will be greater than the benefits.

Knut Holt